Job Search Tips to Kickstart 2020!

It’s the start of a new year. Whether you’ve been searching for a new job or beginning to realize that it’s time for a change, here are some tips to improve your search efforts this year.

Create a Wish List

Not exactly like the wish list on your Amazon account, but it’s close! This list focuses on your career right now and where you want to be in the future. List skills you want to achieve, any experience you’re missing, and career goals you want to achieve in the new year. Be very specific.

Reach Out to Your Network

In your application process, you’re going to need references. If you haven’t already, reach out to your network. Go out to lunch, coffee, or get some drinks to catch up. In your conversations, explain that you’re searching for a new job. You can ask them to be a reference or simply to keep their eyes out for potential opportunities. Maintaining contact with past coworkers, former employers, or other colleagues is very important. This is a good time of the year to catch up and network after the holidays.

Further Your Education

After creating your wish list, you may have realized that you need to go back to school or get certified in a certain industry. Going back to school is a tough decision, so the time is now to decide what you would like to do. However, if you need to develop your skills and experience, try finding some online classes to help you further your education. It’s a bonus point when you showcase how you’re working to improve yourself in a job interview.

Keep Working Hard

If you’re still employed, but looking for a new job, keep working hard at your current position. You don’t want to start slacking off, especially when you don’t have anything lined up. You want to maintain your best work ethic and job performance, so your colleagues and employer can maintain a positive image of you. Remember, they can become potential references for you in the future.

Maintain a Positive Image

Speaking of positive image, when people search you on social media or online what comes up? Is your LinkedIn profile up-to-date? Make sure you have a LinkedIn profile and that it represents relevant information about your career. You should also make sure you don’t have anything on social media or online that you don’t want a hiring manager to potentially see when they conduct their research.

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