Boosting Your Productivity at Work This Summer

Ahh summer… when the sun shines bright and the beaches call your name. This season is always a little tougher to go to work because either your office is uncomfortably hot or you can’t stop daydreaming about summer activities.

Just because you go into work doesn’t mean you’re being productive. Snap out of the daydream and follow the tips below for boosting your productivity during these distracting months.

Make Summer Plans

Plan your time in the office and out of the office to help maintain a balance. Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish at work and create attainable goals for yourself. Plan your vacations or the summer activities that you want to do ahead of time. This way, you can plan and achieve everything you want to do both at work and in your personal life.

Start Out Earlier

Begin your work day earlier to get stuff completed before the afternoon slump. Make your important phone calls and send out emails in the morning, so you get a timely response.

Drink a lot of Water & Buy a Fan

The heat in your office might be affecting your performance. Buy a fan to place at your desk and keep you cool. It’s also important that you drink plenty of water on a daily basis. Drinking water boosts your energy, helps you fight stress and headaches, and helps your brain work better.

No Work, Find Some

Since work may be slow, it might seem like there’s not a lot to do. This is not true. Don’t give yourself this excuse. Get a jumpstart on upcoming projects or go back and tie up any loose ends.

Shift Priorities

When your coworkers and boss are on vacations, it can be difficult to collaborate on big projects. Shift your focus to more important projects that you can accomplish in the absence of your coworkers and boss.

Reward Yourself

One of the best things you can do to boost your productivity is give yourself rewards for doing good work. Promise yourself a delicious treat for every big task you accomplish or do something fun when you finish a big project.

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